⊛ 去除肌膚表面雜質、多餘油脂
⊛ 促進血液循環,收細毛孔
⊛ 有效抗癢,舒緩炎症,消除紅腫
⊛ 增加肌膚彈性,提升光澤
⊛ 調節肌膚水分,長效保濕
* 建議與 Sea Mist 一同使用效果更佳。
西班牙製造, 成分天然,不含化學防腐劑,人造色素、香料,矽和動物成份。
- 伊利石粉(吸收、排除多餘油脂和雜質,促進血液循環,收細毛孔和改善膚色不均) |
- 燕麥穀仁粉(含天然活性元素「燕麥膠體」,能有效抗癢,舒緩炎症) |
- 荷荷巴油(迅速滲透肌膚,軟化皮膚角質,增加肌膚彈性,提升光澤,調節肌膚水分,達至長效保濕) |
- 米糠油(富含維生素E,能抗氧化,活化肌膚細胞,令肌膚倍感柔滑舒適) |
- 甘草萃取粉(抑制黑色素形成,有美白效果,亦具消炎、消除紅腫、抗敏、滋養肌膚等功效) |
Earth-Based and Prebiotic Mask
Activating formula of the inherent functions of the skin based on red clay, colloidal oatmeal and licorice extract that detoxifies the skin while providing essential minerals from the earth. It also contains a prebiotic that helps promote the natural moisturizer factor, NMF. The ingredients are combined to stimulate cell regeneration, promote moisture absorption and balance sebum production.
Benefits Repairs, Purifies, Decongests, Moisturizes
Suitable to prevent and improve Spots, Dehydration, Fine Lines, Tiredness, Elasticity
Recommended Dermatitis, Rosacea
Combine and Mix Sea Mist
How to use Suitable for all types of skins. Apply it 2-3 times a week, whenever you need to strengthen and brighten.
- Apply a generous layer on a clean, dry face up to the neck. Avoid eyes and mouth.
- Massage gently to melt the jojoba esters and let it work for 15-20 minutes.
- Remove gently with a towel or sponge moistened with lukewarm water.
You will enjoy a subtle natural earthy scent and your complexion will feel even and illuminated.
For greater benefit and experience, we recommend combining Strengthening Mud with Sea Mist, see Strengthening Routine.